Delegate Prep
Every delegate should prepare the following items for THAIMUN:
Position Papers (Opening Statement)
One-minute speech setting out your country’s position on the committee question. This is the first item in the Committee stage of the conference. Government committees will have specific assignments which will be informed once their admission to the committee is confirmed.
Right to Statement
One-minute speech about anything to do with your country. About four Right to Statements are heard at the beginning of each Committee and GA session.
Every delegate should have his or her country’s name attached to one resolution as a submitter/co-submitter or a sponsor/co-sponsor.
Resolutions have two sections:
1. Pre-ambulatory clauses which set out the nature of the problem 2. Operative clauses which set out the UN’s solutions to the problem Resolutions must be set out strictly according to the rules. A vetting committee made up of MUN coaches will check each resolution for appropriate wording, correct presentation, respect for bloc groups, a maximum of 80 lines, and clarity.
Delegates will get time for caucusing which means looking for other countries who are likely to have a resolution you can support. You should not support a resolution which is not in the interests of your country. Groups of similar, like-minded countries are called blocs.
This is crucial if you are to have a successful
conference and not make a fool of yourself. Your research should be mainly on
the committee question, but you should also have a strong understanding of your
country’s position. Research takes several weeks if not months of work.
Want to keep it? Take the file!
Keep in mind thatAs a delegate you have to be prepared to speak. The most effective delegates are the ones who are well prepared.
As a well prepared delegate you will be confident and ready to speak at every opportunity.
To be a confident delegate you need to be well informed about the issues to de discussed in the committee.
Being informed is a long process which involves thorough research and daily reading of newspapers like the New York Times, The Guardian or the Washington Post on line, and viewing cable news bulletins on TV.
If you have a smart phone downloading apps like BBC World or CNN keeps you in constant touch with world news.
Useful Sources