Press Release
THAIMUN IV STUDENT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING22 September 2016 - Concordian International School
The THAIMUN IV STUDENT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE met at Concordian this evening for its inaugural meeting. Secretary Generals and Parliamentarians were elected and decisions were made on the conference schedule, committees and topics. Chair positions are available - please apply using the form on the THAIMUN website or ask your adviser for the form. SECRETARY GENERALS: Punn Siwabutr (Shrewsbury) and Smile Damrongmanee (Ruamrudee). PARLIAMENTARIANS: Eliz De Los Santos (Concordian) and Putt Punyagupta (Patana) COMMITTEE: Mark Comer BPS, MD. Nafis Mahboob BPS, Carmelia Jafari CIS, Mild Niamkongkit CIS,Tawan Boonsitanon CIS, Sae Wongskatu CIS, Mac Wongprasobchai CIS, Filipe Paulo HIS, Shresth Shrivastava HIS, Anvi Mehta ICS, Alessandro Puegel NIST, Shreyans Sethi NIST, Gautam Puri NIST, Anshul Agrawal NIST, Alexander Templeton NIST, Nandini Mittal NIST, In Printorn Kordumrong SHB, Pun Pun Yongphiphatwong SHB, ONE MONTH TO GO29th February 2016 - THAIMUN Office
This email was sent to THAIMUN advisers today; We are just one month away from THAIMUN III on 2-4 April. Currently we have 27 schools and 265 delegates from nine countries. It will be an exciting conference and I am looking forward to welcoming you all... I have a few issues to address: 1. Delegate lists and Chair research papers: although we are waiting on delegate lists from four schools, I have passed on the current delegate lists to chairs. Chairs have written research papers to assist delegates in preparing for the conference. See the THAIMUN website: Chairs will contact their committee delegates. Please advise me if any of your delegates have not been contacted by the end of this week. 2. Protocols: an updated list of conference protocols is attached which cover dress, use of mobile phones, general behaviour and aspects of the procedures. Advisers please note, it is against MUN protocol for advisers to coach delegates on the floor of the committees or the general assembly. 3. Delegate Rules and Guidelines: THAIMUN III Delegate Rules and Guidelines are attached. Each delegate and their parents or guardians must sign this document and adhere to the guidelines therein. Advisers please collect the documents and hold them in case of an incident. 4. Visa Letter: a visa letter is attached in case any overseas delegates require a Thai visa. 5. Hotel list: I have heard from one school having difficulty booking a hotel. I have added to the list of hotels in the Bang Na area and the list is attached. I was recently contacted by Oakwood Garden Towers who are keen for delegates ton stay at their establishment. 6. Overseas schools (and PIA) transport, arrival, etc: only two overseas schools have advised me of their flight times, hotel and daily transport needs. The list is attached. If there are any gaps beside your school please advise me. I have to forward the list to CIS and they will then arrange the schedule and assess the costs. This should be completed as soon as possible. 7. Advisers/Chaperons: the list of advisers/chaperons from each school is attached. please advise me if there are any names to be added or changed. 8. Keynote speaker: we are very pleased to advise that our keynote speaker for the opening ceremony will be Mr. Feisal Hussain of UNCDF 9. Extra Delegates: with two schools dropping out in the past week we have some vacancies and would welcome any offers to fill these crucial positions: Austria 1919/Hapsburgs 1701 in HCC Pakistan in DISEC and JCC Cuba in HRC2 and ECOSOC 1 Tunisia in HRC1 and ECOSOC 1 Australia judge in ICJ Australia in EC and HRC Thank you again for your support of THAIMUN III. I hope your preparation is continuing smoothly. As always, please contact me with any issues. Best regards, John Wood (THAIMUN Director) THAIMUN III OFFICIAL MAIL16 January 2016 - THAIMUN Office
It is time to turn our attention back to THAIMUN III. A reminder of the the timeline: FEBRUARY 1st : SCHOOLS SEND IN DELEGATE LIST AND COUNTRY/COMMITTEE ALLOCATIONS, using the attached Excel form FEBRUARY 15th : Payment due - US$70 per delegate (an invoice will be sent - transport expenses for overseas schools may be paid separately during the conference) MARCH 1st: committee lists finalized and sent to schools APRIL 2nd-4th: THAIMUN III conference Please find attached another copy of the country/committee allocation and the Excel form for sending in your list of delegates. You may send the form in before the February 1st deadline if you wish. For overseas schools the hotel and transport sheet is also attached. THAIMUN III FINAL DELEGATES NUMBERS20 November 2015 - THAIMUN Office
We are now moving rapidly towards our next deadline: December 1st: schools finalize delegation numbers. Therefore please advise me how many delegates you will definitely bring to THAIMUN III on 2-4 April 2016. If you do not respond to this request I will assume that your delegate number will be the same as listed below. On December 5th I will send the committee/country allocations to each school. Two schools responded positively to my request for ICJ advocates. Therefore the remaining advocates will be allocated to schools on December 5th unless I have specific requests. By February 1st schools will be required to send in their delegate list with their countries and committees. Here are the delegate numbers initially requested by schools registered for THAIMUN III: 1. Anand Niketan Satellite Campus, Ahmedabad, India (ANSA) - 1 2. Anglo-Singapore International School, Bangkok (ASIS) - 10 3. Bangkok Patana School (BPS) – 15 4. British International School, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (BISR) – 15 5. Concordian International School, Bangkok (CIS) – 15 6. Dyatmika School, Bali, Indonesia (DSB) – 6 7. Ekamai International School, Bangkok (EIS) – 10 8. Faith Academy, Manila, Philippines (FAP) – 10 9. Garden International School, Rayong (GIS) – 15 10. Harrow International School, Bangkok (HIS) – 15 11. Haut-Lac Ecole Internationale, Switzerland (HLS) - 1 12. International Community School, Bangkok (ICS) – 12 13. International Pioneers School, Bangkok (IPS) – 11 14. International School Bangkok (ISB) – 12 15. Korea International School, Jeju (KISJ) – 16 16. Nexus International School, Singapore (NEX) – 10 17. Northbridge International School, Cambodia (NISC) – 12 18. Pathways School, Noida, India (PSN) – 5 19. Phuket International Academy (PIA) – 15 20. Sarala Birla Academy, Bangalore, India (SBA) – 10 21. Sekolah Victory Plus, Bekasi, Indonesia (SVP) – 8 22. Shrewsbury International School, Bangkok (SIS) – 15 23. St Andrews Green Valley, Rayong (STA) – 6 24. St Stephen’s International School, Bangkok (STS) – 12 25. Stonehill International School, Bangalore, India (SISB) – 10 26. Triam Udom Suksa School, Bangkok (TUS) – 1 27. Uplands School, Penang, Malaysia (USP) – 10 28. Wells International School, Bangkok (WIS) – 15 29. Yothinburana School, Bangkok (YSB) – 10 Thank you to all schools who sent in chair applications. The full complement of chairs has now been appointed. The THAIMUN Student Management Committee met today...1st November 2015 - GK Consultants
Main items decided:
Thanks to GK Consultants, our sponsor, for providing the meeting space in downtown Bangkok. Welcome to a new MUN year and THAIMUN III25th August 2015 - THAIMUN Office
Dear MUN Advisers, I hope one of the highlights of your year will be the Thailand Model UN conference at Concordian International School, Bangkok, on 2nd to 4th April 2016. Further to my previous email I would like to remind you of our timeline for preparation of the conference: · Friday September 4th, 2015: schools please send me your nominations for the STUDENT PLANNING COMMITTEE by Friday September 4th. Please advise me if any of your students would like to serve on this committee. The committee's job description is set out in the June email. I have nine names so far from CIS, ICS, SIS and HIS (they have been copied into this email). If you are not in Bangkok you are still welcome to nominate committee members who will be able to participate by electronic means. · September 16th: Student Planning Committee meets at Concordian - Sec Gens and Parliamentarians selected; conference schedule finalized; requests for Chair positions; schools asked for topic suggestions and approximate delegate numbers (Please note this is a tentative date). · October 15th: schools please send me your ACCEPTANCE OF THE THAIMUN III INVITATION, CHAIR NOMINATIONS AND APPROXIMATE DELEGATE NUMBERS (maximum 20) BY THIS DATE; Secretariat finalized; Chairs consulted on topics. · November 15th: COMMITTEE TOPICS finalized and sent to schools. · December 1st: schools please send me your FINAL DELEGATE NUMBERS by this date; countries and committees will then be assigned to schools. · February 1ST 2016: schools please send in your DELEGATE LIST by this date and country/committee allocation. Please make the final payment by this date (US$70 per delegate) · March 1st: committee lists finalized and sent to schools. · April 2nd to 4th: THAIMUN conference The THAIMUN website is: The THAIMUN Facebook page is: If you "like" this page you will receive alerts as items are added. Please find attached an invitation to THAIMUN II and a list of recommended hotels close to the conference site. I will contact you again following the committee meeting on 16th September with details on decisions made. In the meantime, I would like to hear from you if you are definitely interested in sending a delegation to THAIMUN II or if you have suggestions for the conference. I hope your new school year is progressing well and look forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards, John Wood (THAIMUN Director) THAIMUN III Invitation9th April 2015 - THAIMUN OFFICE
We would like to invite you to the third annual Thailand Model United Nations (THAIMUN) Conference which will be hosted by Concordian International School (CIS), Bangkok, Thailand, on 2nd-4th April, 2016. CIS is on the outskirts of Bangkok, far away from the city centre but near Mega Bangna, a huge shopping mall, and close to the airport. The campus is safe and secure. A THAIMUN III Student Planning Committee, made up of students from international schools will be working to put this conference together. Students interested in joining this committee should contact their school adviser, or the conference director. The delegate fee of US$70 will cover meals and snacks at the conference, wages of support staff, insurance, stationery and use of the facilities at the conference venue. There are no other fees. However visiting delegates from outside Bangkok will require accommodation and a list of affordable hotels in the vicinity of the conference is available. CIS will provide minibus transport to and from the airport and hotel for an extra cost. Chair positions will be available and interested delegates should email the conference director. Delegations will require adult chaperons or advisers and adhere to the Delegate Rules & Guidelines, which will be sent to MUN advisers. All delegates and their parents or guardians will need to sign this agreement. (Please download the document and bring the signed copy with you to the conference). For schools and delegates from outside Bangkok who wish to combine attendance at this conference with a more extensive visit to the city or the region a list of sight-seeing suggestions is also available. We are all looking forward to hosting THAIMUN III and would appreciate your timely response to this invitation. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact Conference Director, John Wood [email protected] We look forward to welcoming your school to THAIMUN II. John G. Wood (THAIMUN Conference Director) |
Preparations continue for THAIMUN IV, 1-3 April 2017.5 October 2016 - THAIMUN Office
Recently the Student Management Committee met and elected the co-Secretary Generals - Punn (SHB) and Smile (RIS), and co-Parliamentarians - Ceceliz (CIS) and Pirawat (BPS). The committee list is attached. The first task of the committee was to finalise the conference schedule, which is also attached. Please note that the GA will begin at 16.15 on Day 2, with the introduction of an emergency issue. The second main task of the committee will be to draw up topics for committees. Committees will be the same as last year - UNSC, ICJ, HCC, SPECPOL, DISEC, EC, HRC, ECOSOC - with the addition of a Regional Assembly (Asia). The next deadline for schools is fast approaching: BY 15TH OCTOBER PLEASE ADVISE ME WHETHER OR NOT YOU ARE ACCEPTING THE INVITATION TO SEND A DELEGATION TO THAIMUN AND SEND ME THE APPROXIMATE SIZE OF YOUR DELEGATION. Please note, the maximum size of a school delegation is 14 delegates. The maximum size of the conference is 260 delegates. Applications for chair positions are also due by 15th October. The chair application form is attached. So far schools from UK, USA, Saudi Arabia, China, South Korea, Singapore and Thailand have confirmed their participation in THAIMUN IV - so it is a truly international event! We look forward to hearing from you by 15th October. As always, please contact me on any issues or requests. SECOND THAIMUN III SPONSOR3 Febuary 2016 - THAIMUN Office
THAIMUN III has a new generous sponsor: Steam IT Consulting Ltd. Thank you Stream...we look forward to working with you THAIMUN III UPDATED DELEGATES NUMBER4 December 2015 - THAIMUN Office
MUN advisers will receive their committee/country allocations later today. They have until February 1st to send in the names of their delegates: 1. Anand Niketan Satellite Campus, Ahmedabad, India (ANSA) - 1 2. Anglo-Singapore International School, Bangkok (ASIS) - 10 3. Bangkok Patana School (BPS) – 11 4. British International School, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (BISR) – 7 5. Concordian International School, Bangkok (CIS) – 15 6. Dyatmika School, Bali, Indonesia (DSB) – 7 7. Ekamai International School, Bangkok (EIS) – 6 8. Faith Academy, Manila, Philippines (FAP) – 10 9. Garden International School, Rayong (GIS) – 15 10. Harrow International School, Bangkok (HIS) – 15 11. Haut-Lac Ecole Internationale Bilingue, Switzerland (HLS) - 1 12. International Community School, Bangkok (ICS) – 12 13. International Pioneers School, Bangkok (IPS) – 9 14. International School Bangkok (ISB) – 10 15. Korea International School, Jeju (KISJ) – 16 16. Nexus International School, Singapore (NEX) – 10 17. Northbridge International School, Cambodia (NISC) – 12 18. Pathways School, Noida, India (PSN) – 5 19. Phuket International Academy (PIA) – 18 20. Sarala Birla Academy, Bangalore, India (SBA) – 10 21. Sekolah Victory Plus, Bekasi, Indonesia (SVP) – 12 22. Shrewsbury International School, Bangkok (SIS) – 15 23. St Andrews Green Valley, Rayong (STA) – 6 24. St Stephen’s International School, Bangkok (STS) – 10 25. Stonehill International School, Bangalore, India (SISB) – 10 26. Triam Udom Suksa School, Bangkok (TUS) – 1 27. Uplands School, Penang, Malaysia (USP) – 10 28. Wells International School, Bangkok (WELS) – 15 29. Yothinburana School, Bangkok (YSB) – 10 TOTAL : 286 THAIMUN III Chairs APPOINTED21 November 2015 - THAIMUN Office
Congratulations to all of our chairs for THAIMUN III 2-4 April 2016 Secretary General Bhurichaya (Proud) Tuksinwarajarn HIS Secretary General Sant (Win) Leelamanthep ICS Parliamentarian Pete Sukanjanajtee HIS Parliamentarian John Kim ICS ICJ President Chanad (Peem) Ladavalya HIS UNSC Chair Abhigyan Khullar GIS UNSC Chair Abu Akram Labeeb Hussain BPS HCC Chair Jing Jing Piriyalertsak HIS HCC Chair Punn Siwabutr SIS HRC 1 Chair Arlindo Chan Borges WELLS HRC 1 Chair Tanyapat Tanyarattinan YSB HRC 2 Chair Saloni Kothari BPS HRC 2 Chair Megan Heather-Maher HLS ECOSOC 1 Chair Sasinan (Candy) Sangteerasintop ICS ECOSOC 1 Chair Navya Naveli Natani BPS ECOSOC 2 Chair Patree (Well) Witoonchart SIS ECOSOC 2 Chair Kalsuda (Waad) Lapborisuth CIS DISEC Chair Rachanond (Ing) Vorakitcharoenphol HIS DISEC Chair Shertam Banasanprasit CIS JCC Chair Bhumpat (Chin) Ngamyingsanga SIS JCC Chair Priya Rathore ANSA SPECPOL Chair Perth Ophaswongse SIS SPECPOL Chair Akif Aliyev BISR EC Chair Eugene Hwang PIA EC Chair Nicolette (Nicki) Adrienne Shaw HIS THAIMUN OFFICIAL EMAIL2 November 2015 - THAIMUN Office
Registration for the Third Thailand Model United Nations Conference (THAIMUN III) has closed and the conference has reached capacity at 300 delegates from 29 schools and 10 countries. The schools registered for THAIMUN III are listed below. Please note the following points: 1. Committees: additional committees will be added to the conference, including an Environment Committee and details will be advised soon 2. Chair Applications: additional Chair applications are invited (the Chair application form is attached) to cover additional committees. Applications are due by 15th November 3. Chairs appointed so far are: Arlindo (WELLS), Tanya (YSB), Candy (ICS), Navya (BPS), Chin (HIS), Priya (ANSA), Jing Jing (HIS), Saloni (BPS), Ing (HIS), Shertam (CIS), Abhigyan (GISR), Paola (ISB), Peem (SIS), Punn (SIS), Labeeb (BPS), Waad (CIS), Eugene (PIA), Nicki (HIS), Akif (BISR) 4. ICJ Advocates: Advisers please notify me of any of your delegates who would be suitable advocates for the ICJ cases. Advocates should be experienced delegates with a proven record for thorough research and diligence. We will need eight advocates (two per school). The ICJ cases are: Alleged violations of sovereign rights and maritime spaces in the Caribbean Sea (Nicaragua v. Colombia); Armed activities on the territory of the DR Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Uganda). The advocates may choose the case and country, so an early response to this request is recommended. It should be noted that last year's Best Delegate Award went to the Ukraine advocate, Paola Lindo. 5. Deadlines: the next deadline is 1st December for final accurate number of delegates in your team - countries and committees will then be allocated to schools. Schools are then required to send in their list of delegate names and their committee/country by 1st February. 6. Sponsors: to add value to our conference we are calling for sponsors who would like to advertise their products by providing such things as: polo shirts, cloth bags, food, stationery; or to set up a booth to promote their products. If you know of a company or enterprise who would be interested please let me know. Our first sponsor is GK Consultants: 6. This is the last general email to advisers on our mailing list for this year. From now on all communication on THAIMUN III will be addressed to advisers from the registered THAIMUN III schools. Website: Facebook: THAIMUN III has its first sponsor: GK CONSULTANTS16 October 2015 - THAIMUN Office
THAIMUN III has its first sponsor: GK CONSULTANTS Sponsors add value to our conference by providing such things as free T-shirts, hoodies, cloth bags, laptop/tablet/phone cases, pens, stationery, food. If you know of a business or company who would be able to sponsor THAIMUN III please let us know.. THAIMUN III Student Committee's Meeting16th September 2015 - Concordian International School
The THAIMUN III Student Planning Committee met this evening and the Secretariat was elected: THAIMUN III SECRETARIAT 2015-16 Secretary General Bhurichaya (Proud) Tuksinwarajarn HIS Secretary General Sant (Win) Leelamanthep ICS Parliamentarian John Kim ICS Parliamentarian Pete Sukanjanajtee HIS STUDENT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Abu Akram Labeeb Hussain BPS Abhigyan Khullar GIS Alan Harrison HIS Kalsuda (Waad) Lapborisuth CIS Navya Naveli Natani BPS Noa McDonald DSB Paola V. Lindo ISB Perth Ophaswongse SIS Punn Siwabutr SIS Saloni Kothari BPS Sasinan (Candy) Sangteerasintop CIS Shertam Aphisara Banasanprasit CIS [BPS Bangkok Patana School; CIS Concordian International School; DSB Dyatmika School Bali; GIS Garden International School Rayong; HIS Harrow International School; ICS International Community School; ISB International School Bangkok; SIS Shrewsbury International School] THAIMUN III Student Committee5th September 2015 - THAIMUN Office
Thank you for agreeing to be part of the Student Management Committee for the THAIMUN III conference on 2-4 April 2016. Our first meeting will take place on Wednesday 16th September at 4.30 to 6.30 pm. at Concordian. There will be no other meetings until the end of January and I anticipate the need for only three meetings in all. Committee members to date: Concordian International School
Bangkok Patana School
International Community School
Shrewbury International School
Harrow International School
International School of Bangkok
Please note, as conference director I will be responsible for communicating with school MUN advisers. The Secretariat may also communicate with advisers but please check with me first. Please email me with any issues. I will see you at Concordian at 4.30 on Wednesday 16th September - please gather in the foyer. Best Regards, Mr. John Wood THAIMUN II Best Delegate Awards4th April 2015 - Concordian International School
After an intensive debating at General Assembly, the Best Delegate of THAIMUN II goes to Paola V. Lindo from International School of Bangkok. This is the first year that we've introduced Best Delegate Awards and many delegates have been able to meet all the criteria we've listed. Congratulations Paola! Paola V. Lindo (ISB)
Best Delegate of THAIMUN II Paola V. Lindo (ISB) with Mr. John Wood